A downloadable game

Moperville is a little town in the midwest that is just... FLOODED with magic. Creepy little girls floating around and disrupting news feeds? Check. Dragons? Check. Anime style martial artists? Quadruple check. Superheroes, squirrel things, whatever's going on with Nanase Kitsune, and unexplained owls? Many checks. 

Kind of the perfect place for an RPG, isn't it?

MOPERVILLE is based off Dan Shive's seminal webcomic "El Goonish Shive" (updating SIX TIMES WEEKLY at egscomics.com).

This game was made with Caltrop Core, for the Caltrop Core Jam 2, and is still under development. The current version of the game IS FULLY PLAYABLE.


Moperville wip 2.pdf 1.7 MB
Moperville wip 3.pdf 5.5 MB

Development log


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It’s been a year since this was posted but hey!

Gave a read. Looks neat. Might give a run!

If this ever does get an update -which I don’t fault you for never doing :P- I’m interested to see what may get put up!